Peace day of Anti-war Resistance
Together we are highlighting the devastating environmental and human costs of military action across the globe and celebrating the successes of Internationalist Anti-war Solidarity throughout history.
In the month of April, building to the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War on the 30th of April, local groups are invited to showcase their local activists present, past and future in a campaign bringing together all the elements of the long running anti-war struggle.
Organizationally spearheaded conjointly by Visha Safari Moksha (VSM) and the Grassroots Women's Internationalist Solidarity Action Network (GWISAN), both based in India, South East Asia, as well as the Planet Repairs Youth Positive Action Campaign (PRYPAC) and the Grassroots South-North Internationalist Forum (GRASSNIF), also both based in Ghana, West Afrika, with the facilitation of the XR Affinity Network of Asia (XRANA), supported by the XR Affinity All- Afrikan Network (XRAAAN) and XRISN.