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As our network grows and begins to deepen our Glocal connections then we will need new, passionate and dedicated members to join us - this page should give you all the infomation you'll need to decide if that is a path for you, and if so, how to take you next steps.
The first thing that you need to understand is how ISN is unique and different from all other XR working groups - here are the key differences:
Focus on Global South peoples and their Diaspora
ISN is about connecting and linking up struggles therefore we prioritise working with and being led by groups and networks outside of XR, especially in the Global South who need to use many different forms of resistance including in some cases violence
The majority of members of ISN should be from the Global South and they should play the leading roles
The need to ensure ISN members respect and protect the security of groups we work with, as well as other ISN members
Internationalist solidarity approach based on reciprocity and collective liberation
The above comes from our key document: Guidelines to involve people in Internationalist Solidarity work alongside or with XRISN - we encourage everyone who is interested in joining the network to read through it thouroughly and think on what it means - you can access the full document with this link.
Once you have read through the document above and considered upon your interest in this team - there is simply way for people to register their interest and begin moving forwards. Firstly, we would ask you to explore the growing map of XRISN Glocal groups throughout the UK. As laid out in the above Guidelines, it is through connecting with one of our glocal groups that most people should begin interacting with the network.
However, due to the necessary secruity concerns and that many of these groups are only just forming, we are asking people to fill out our 'Decleration of Interest' form. This will allow the integration coordinator within the national team to review your interest and move forward contacting you or matching you directly with one of the glocal group coordinators.
This process will not be fast as we must be both deliberate and considered in any processes of network building - that said, our connections and concentric rings of growing rebellion are essential to success and a key priority of the team.
Finally, if you have any further questions of how to join from within the UK - please email the team here!
If you're based across the Global South and want to join the network then we advise you to directly contact the appropriate continental coordinator - the necessary info can be found on their unique pages, please click the appropriate image or text below to find it. If you are based outside of these groups and are keen to discuss potentials for connections then please email us here.
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