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XR Red de Afinidades
Abya Yala del Sur
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New XRRAAYS map only.png

The XR Affinity Network of South Abya Yala, XRRAAYS, 

is an articulation of different movements that seeks to empower youth in the struggle for the protection of the environment, respect for diversity and the struggle to reclaim the  cultural traditions of Abya Yala, the so

called "Americas".


Through our Elders, bearers of knowledge and life, XRRAAYS documents and connects different 

organisations and young people from across Latin America, the Caribbean and Afrika. 


They do so  by fostering work as a network among indigenous communities, peasants and peoples of

Afrikan descent  with the aim to conserve and protect

life, the environment and the land (territories). 


Not just this but to also to create our own economies and weave bridges across regions. Fundamental aspects in order to work towards not letting Global Warming

advance to to 4º Celsius!

XRRAAYS has its main headquarters in Colombia and is linked to XRISN, based in the UK with the purpose of contributing to curb the Climate and Ecological Crises!


For more info contact XRRAAYS:



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Red Malaika
Guardianas de la Vida
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The Malaika project 'Female Guardians of Life' is currently the flagship project of XRRAYS coordinated by Aura Balanta J. Carreño Caicedo, the acting International Coordinator General of XRRAYS. She is facilitating the training volunteers to work as part of the XRRAYS

Pan-Afrikan Internationalist Link of Cross-Community Educational Exchanges (MALAIKA-PAILOCCEE)

Coordinator: Aura Balanta J. Carreno Caicedo


The MALAIKA-PAILOCCEE is a  specific young female-led project of the XRISN that is going to be initially funded for a while by XR  to enable Aura Carreno to develop it in doing groundwork for the reconstruction, revitalization and reinforcement of the International Secretariat of the XR Red de Afinidad de Abya Yala del Sur (XRRAAYS). The MALAIKA-PAILOCCEE  proceeds towards reinvigorating the XRRAAYS International Secretariat in the stride of fulfilling its initial role of doing groundwork towards our XRISN Link-Networking with Afrodescendant youth and their own as well as other neighbouring Communities of Resistance in and beyond Abya Yala (the so-called Americas, including the Caribbean); doing so with a view to the Intersectionality driven Gender Equity promotion of Pan-Afrikan Internationalist engagement in Cross-Community Decolonizational Educational Exchanges between youths in their own Afrikan Heritage and other Communities of Resistance throughout the World.

The MALAIKA-PAILOCCEE is seen as an experimental Pan-Afrikan opening for female Afrodescendant youth and their friends from other Communities of Resistance in and beyond Abya Yala to chart, with their own Black Power creativity of Decolonising Education, their own Reparatory Justice pathway of Planet Repairs; doing so with their own collectivist agency as culturally appropriate to themselves and their  communities, towards the Global Justice Internationalist Solidarity vision, values, principles, ethos, mission, aims and objectives of XRISN as shared with the XRRAAYS. That is why the MALAIKA-PAILOCCEE will also be a special Action Learning and Action Research operation of the "MAANGAMIZINUNYANSA Legacies of Enslavement and Colonization for Community Regenerative Action Learning (MAANGAMIZINUNYANSA-LECCRAL)", under the  auspices of our XRISN-supported Peoples' Internationalist Fora for Inter-Community Lifelong Learning (PIFICOLL).

"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together." - Lilla Watson

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