XR Affinity
All Afrikan Network
- (XRAAAN) -

XRAAAN is the acronym for the Extinction Rebellion Affinity All-Afrikan Network; one of the Global South partner-networks of the Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity Network (XRISN).
The Extinction Rebellion Affinity All-Afrikan Network (XRAAAN) is an Internationalist Solidarity Glocalization Interconnexion for decolonizationally catalysing Movement of Movements' relationship building, through mutually respectful Consciencist Dialogue, Critical Co-Learning and the Reparatory Justice sharing of resources for holistic Planet Repairs work, among indigenous Afrikan and other Communities of Resistance throughout the continent and diaspora of Afrika;
doing so in order to amplify Truthquest voices and strengthen and propel into the limelight of Worldwide recognition the various community-rooted informal and formal groupings, campaigns and movements engaged in diverse forms and modes of Resistance in defence of human, peoples' and Mother Earth rights, especially those pertinent to the vision, aims and objectives of Extinction Rebellion (XR); and, with due regard for Intersectionality and in accord with the Cognitive Justice tenets of Pluriversality, to endeavour in equitably harmonising their own self-determined efforts of Intergenerational Rebellion, through XRISN, with those of XR as a whole, towards the concerted victorious achievement of Global Justice for all.