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Extinction Rebellion Bridge Afrikan Heritage Community Family and Learning Circle


An XR affinity grouping of afrikan heritage community of resistance rebels inaugurated as part of the may 2019 afrikan liberation awareness month (alam) celebrations in the xr office in london.


Ubuntunovisi means the 'Hands of mother earth's Children holding each other Together in love of their Shared humanity'.




XR UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC seeks to creatively interconnect the Reparatory Justice substance of ongoing endeavours of Pan Afrikan Liberation, within and beyond Afrikan Heritage Communities glocally, with those of Environmental Justice and Cognitive Justice as critically relevant to Extinction Rebellion (XR), for the mainly PANAFRIKARTS Conscientizational promotion of holistic Planet Repairs by the Artivist Rebellion way of UBUNTUDUNIAKUUMBA , towards the MAATUBUNTUMAN in UBUNTUDUNIA winning of Global Justice for all.





XR-UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC is being developed as a whole circle with glocal curves throughout the UK, in link through various pan-afrikan formations with indigenous afrikan nations, nationalities and ethnicities as well as other afrikan heritage communities throughout the continent and diaspora of afrika.


Our work is coordinated by a steering curve (sc) headed by a convenor-in-chief, (kojo asarebonsu) with its membership including two joint convening secretaries, special task action commissioners(stacs) and lead glocalgalvanizers (lggs).


We have as our current main glocalgalvanization hubs in the uk (gghuks) the cities of London, Bristol and Manchester. Groundwork is also progressing for similar gghuks to be established in the cities of Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham, Liverpool and Edinburgh.





(1)  UBUNTUDUNIASEMKA Glocal Conversations of Planet Repairs Action Learning (UBUNTUDUNIASEMKA GCOPRAL) and SANKOFANUNYANSA Explorations in link with the Peoples' Internationalist Fora for Inter Community Lifelong Learning (PIFICOLL), the Gaia House of People to Peoples' Internationalist Solidarity (GHOPPIS), the Miano Asase Yaa Community Educational and Sanctuary Complex (MAYCESC), the Maangamizi Educational Trust (MET), the International Network of Scholars and Activists for Afrikan Reparations (INOSAAR), the NSOROMMA Decolonizing Oxford Peoples' Open Communiversity (NSOROMMA DOPOC) and the Green International for Planet Repairs Action Learning (GIPRAL), among others;


(2) Co convening Global Citizens Assemblies of Afrikan Reasoning for Planet Repairs Action (GCAARPRAs) in link, through the Global Afrikan People's Parliament (GAPP), with the MAATUBUNTUMI Pan Afrikan Assemblies of People's Power (MAATUBUNTUMI PAAPPs), in contribution towards the glocal establishment of Global Citizens Assemblies of People's Power (GCAPPs) throughout the diaspora and continent of Afrika.


(3) Co organizing various expressions of the UBUNTUDUNIAKUUMBA Creativity of Panafrikarts for Planet Repairs Artivism (UBUNTUDUNIAKUUMBA COPPRA) Festivity Workshops throughout the UK and their culmination into the 1st Saturday in July annual UBUNTUDUNIAKUUMBAZA Festival.


(4) Contributing through the KUUMBA Pan Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings Action Bloc (KUUMBA PARRGAB) to the annual 1st August Pan Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings (PARRG) in London


(5) Co-organizing the MIANODZOKEKLE Afrikan Heritage Community Planet Repairs Action Creativity Sparks (MIANODZOKEKLE AHCOPRACS) to feed into the UBUNTUPACHAVIDYA Merging of Rebellion endeavours of the Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity Network (XRISN) and its Global South partner networks and
allied formations.





Some XRISN members from Afrikan Heritage Communities in the Afrikan Diaspora in the UK are among the Co Founders of XR-UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC; and therefore actively participate in its work. Nevertheless, they do not participate in order to run XR UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC as an integral part of XRISN!


XR-UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC is an autonomous Circle of Afrikan Heritage Community Activists in the UK Diaspora of Afrika, and also of the Majority World of the Global South Diasporas in Britain, who include both XR and non XR members, sharing a common interest in building a mutually respectful, educative and beneficial affinity relationship with the XR movement as a whole; doing so in accordance with the principles, values and historical as well as contemporary experiential Learning from the trajectory of Pan Afrikan Internationalist Alliance Building works in and beyond the UK and Europe; ~ that is, experiences of our Afrikan Heritage Communities which can be harmonised with those of XR as conducive to the effective Merging of Rebellion tackling of the Worldwide Climate and Ecological Crises with the Glocal Co Liberation promotion of Afrikan Reparatory Justice in its connexions with Environmental Justice and Cognitive Justice to advance Planet Repairs in Global Justice meaningfulness.


That is why XR UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC is regarded as a bridge between our Afrikan Heritage Communities of Resistance in the United Kingdom and XRUK as a whole.


XRISN is at present a facilitating agency of this affinity relationship building between XR UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC and XRUK ; an agency which, for very good multicultural, intercultural, security, Co-Liberation and other Action Learning reasons, is providing its own space within XR for the incubation and initial development of XR UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC. Accordingly, XR UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC is not a sub circle of XRISN ; rather it is one of the XR Affinity Global South Diasporan partner networks of XRISN in the UK.


XRISN relates to XR-UBUNTUNOVISI/BAHCOFALC in accordance with its mandate responsibility for promoting a two way shared Learning between the XR movement as a whole, Communities of Resistance in the Majority World of the Global South as well as those in the Minority World of the Global North.


All these points of explanation also apply to the nature of the relationship between XRISN and the
XR AYLCA and UN IDPAP 2015 2024.


This is meant to be a global endorsement, by the states and peoples of the United Nations, of the centuries upon centuries intergenerational demand of Afrikan people, in repudiation of denials of their own right to Self Determination that the specific Maangamizi anti Afrikan Racism of Afriphobia manifests in the imposition of unacceptable terms, for total respect of their own self determined choice of Afrikan Personality Self Identification in Law as Resistance expression of their own Legal Consciousness with regard to their own International Legal Personality!


This needs highlighting among the various other reasons for the rejection of BAME, POC, BIPOC and all other unacceptable terms, smacking of Afriphobia , by self conscientizing people in our Afrikan Heritage Communities of Resistance all over the World of the Afrikan Diaspora, as well those belonging to indigenous Afrikan Communities of Resistance throughout our mothercontinent of Afrika!








"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together." - Lilla Watson

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