Gaia House of People-to-People's Internationalist Solidarity (GHOPPIS)
GHOPPIS has now been up and running as a pivitol part of our work since early 2021. In this time we have hosted many powerful sessions, including:
Hosting the first in-person XR UK Hive meeting, bringing together leading organisers from across XR's Network to meet, dialogue and learn from our experience of Internationalist Solidarity.
Hosting the formation, and regular sessions, of the XR Being the Change Affinty Network (XR-BCAN). Including the filming of discussions, hosting support circle inductions and more - see XR-BCAN here.
Hosting representatives of our Global South Sister Networks from Afrika, Asia and Abya Yala as they visit the UK to build alliances and progress our work.
Hosting many dialogue sessions between our XRISN organisers and visiting activists from across the Global South and North to build solidarity and working partnerships.
Volunteer Co-Learning Facilitators being selected and undergoing
UBUNTUDUNIA TV is a Pan-Afrikan internationalist initiated media channel for cross-community decolonisational education, in the cognitive justice promotion of pluriversality, to win global justice.
Ongoing videography work on XR at the 1st August 2020 Pan-Afrikan Reparations Rebellion Groundings (PARRG) in Brixton.
Ongoing videography work on XRISN in the September 2020 Rebellion Actions of XR
Ongoing videography work on XRISN in the October 2020 Indigenous Peoples' Resistance Internationalist Solidarity Day (IPRISOD) Commemorations.
Ongoing videography preparatory work towards the 30th April Peace Lotys Internationalist Solidarity Day of Anti-War Resistance (PLISDAWR)